Friday, July 21, 2006

The worst thing that can happen to you on your way to work

To all those inquisitive ones who wanted to know why was I asking them this question, I simply read it somewhere but ended up asking everyone. And in the process when people asked me, “are you gonna post it on your blog?” I thought why not. So thanks for the idea guys, and as many requested, I have mentioned their names, and provided gracious links to their sites or blogs.

Irrespective of the 1 worst thing that can happen to you on your way to work, the most worst thing is that you are working. Surprisingly, getting raped and girlfriends breaking up was the first thing most people could thing about.

  1. You are walking, thinking of skipping work and planning to watch that raunchy movie you’ve missed out on, and this is the last day it will be running in the theaters and a car comes behind you, a window opens your boss’s face stick out and he says “Need a lift” - Me
  1. while reaching you're late.. and while you're calling up your boss explaining how you're at the doc, he sees you at the signal? Nirwa
  1. you shit your pants – SID P
  1. i could get raped by a guy :-D – Chintoo
  1. you need to make a major presentation to your boss and you spot an unbelievably hot girl , then of course you will not make good presentation ;) , it is uncomfortable to do it under the effect of an erection - Rishit
  1. ur gf calls and says she doesnt love u anymore – Fatman, Rohan
  1. getting fined at all signals and reaching office to realise its the weekend – Maitri
  1. DC - tire flat followed by an accident followed by a speeding fine
  1. get kidnapped and raped by a desperate middle aged aunty? – sunandan
  1. you get into an accident with a girl, and people beat the shit out of you, beacuse it is always the guy's fault - Nihar

the cop finds the stash of marijuana in your trunk - Nihar

a hot girl asks you to do her, but you cant beacuse you have to go to a meeting? - Nihar

  1. bird shits on you and you are late
  1. you're not wearing underwear and your zipper is open - Deepesh
All those who didn't contrubute when I asked are still free to do so.


Blogger Rishit Jain said...


July 21, 2006 9:46 PM  
Blogger Nirwa Mehta said...

Hmm.. very interesting.. It just goes to show how lame excuses I can churn up! Sheesh!

July 23, 2006 10:29 PM  
Blogger eXPerience called L!FE said...

Dudesh how did u get hold of dnevnoi dozor , i thought russian movies never came to india.

July 28, 2006 12:25 AM  
Blogger chitgo said...

dude where's bhattlal? back in india or still in canada?

July 28, 2006 1:20 AM  
Blogger PierreF said...

Shashaankbhai, - These Chinese and Russians watch apna Dev anand and Raj Kumar - I'm sure our lovely movie-pirates have developed great technical means to reverse the process! :P

Speaking of which - do you know Aalu has a joke about you.. What would a movie about Shashaank's time in prison be called?

Shashaank Redepmtion. :P

July 30, 2006 11:08 PM  
Blogger eXPerience called L!FE said...


July 31, 2006 1:07 AM  

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